Rules & Guideline
1. At the time of admission Parent/Guardian must give the correct age of the child, producing the original birth certificate from the Municipality / Gram Panchayat. Catholic students must also produce baptism certificate.
2 Pupils coming from a recognised school are required to bring a transfer certificate from the last school they attended.
3. The criteria for admission and promotion are decided by the school authorities.
1. Before withdrawing a student from the school, a month’s notice is to be given or a month’s fee in lieu of notice.
2. The transfer certificate will be issued only on the receipt o the application from the parent/guardian and will be issued after a week.
1. No pupil will be permitted to go out of the campus during
school hours.
2. The Students should attend school regularly. Taking leave should be discouraged unless it is absolutely unavoidable. 3. The name of any pupil absent without leave for one month
shall be struck off the roll.
4. Every pupil must be present on the opening and closing day of each term. (Summer, Puja, Winter vacation).
1. Promotion of the children will be based on their performance throughout the year in the class test, unit test, assignment, oral test, observation and terminal examination.
2. Reports of terminal examination and other relevant copies or answer scripts must be signed by the parents or guardians to follow up the progress of the child.
3. No pupil will be promoted to the next class if the attendance during the year is below 80%.
4. If a child is sick, he / she should never be allowed to attend the school for the sake of Examination as the HEALTH OF THE CHILD IS MORE IMPORTANT THAN EXAMINATION.
5. Request for individual examination in case of absence, shall not be accepted, as learning is more important than obtaining marks.
1. Every student is expected to attend and reach the school regularly and punctually.
2. No periodical, pictures, newspaper of an objectionable nature, valuable articles, electronic gadgets, mobile phone, camera, jewellery shall be brought to the school.
3. Students have to keep his/her belongings in their own safe custody. The School will not be responsible for any loss or damage.
4. The school diary should be brought to the school every day and produced for inspection whenever required.
5. Students must be in their complete and correct school uniform from home to school and back on all school days, and also when they represent the school at external
functions and games.
6. Politeness in speech and conduct as well as cleanliness of dress and person will be inculcated and exacted.
7. Anyone using unfair means in the examination will be debarred from further examination.
8. Students are expected to converse only in ENGLISH INSIDE THE SCHOOL PREMISES with everyone.
9. No student shall cause any damage to any school property or that of other students or compensation shall have to be made.
10. In case of violation of school discipline the principal is authorized to take disciplinary action against him/her.
I. Parents are requested to send the school diary regularly and read the information printed in the students’ diary carefully.
2. Parents and guardians are earnestly requested to cooperate with the school authority regarding rules, diligence, punctuality, regularity of their wards and encourage them to participate in excursions, co-curricular and character building activities.
3. Parents / guardians are requested not to send their ward to the school if the child is sick, even for examination or class test. No leave in the middle of the school hours shall be granted except in emergency.
4. The Parent-Teacher Meeting should be preferably attended by the parents. They should periodically discuss with teachers the progress of their children.
5. Parents should note that the school authority is not responsible for their children after the school is over. They should ensure that pupils are sent to school in time and taken back home after the school gets over.
6. Parents are requested to send their- children with proper school uniform with bags, text books and exercise books.
7. School Bags, School Tie, School Belt, Text Books, Exercise Book, Identity Card, School Diary, School Uniform etc. are to be purchased from the School or through School approved organization.
8. Changes of address and telephone number must be immediately notified to the school office.
9. Parents are advised not to send any valuable articles, fast-food etc., with the child to the school.
10. Electronic gadgets, cell phones, digital watches, toys, calculators, video games, pen drives, PSPS, DVDs, CDs, portable audio and video devices or any mass storage devices are forbidden in the school. Students who bring any of mass storage devices are to be penalized. It will result in suspension for a fortnight and a fine of Rs. 500.00.
11. Private tuition is discouraged in our institution. If the child needs special attention in a particular subject, the parents may ask for assistance by our teachers with the consent of the principal.
1. Show respect to all teachers whether they teach you any subject or not. Greet them when you meet them for the first time in the day.
2. Always stand up and greet when your teacher enters the classroom and again when she/he leaves. If the teacher is delayed in coming into the class do not make any noise but sit in your place silently revising your lesson.
1. Be kind and courteous towards your school mates as all of
you are brothers and sisters. Love and respect each other.
2. Strive to edify your school mates by your good example. Gladly help one another in studies and games or whenever needed.
1. You are expected to keep your classroom and surroundings neat and clean. Waste materials, papers, wrappers etc. should be thrown in the dust-‘bins. A clean and neat exterior outlook reflects cleanliness and purity of heart, soul and mind.
2. Speak no ill of your mates, friends, parents or school staff as it indicates a negative side of your personality.
3. Students are not supposed to write or draw on the walls, doors and windows and furnitures. They should not write on the blackboard except when called upon to do so.
4. Take care of your belongings (school bags, books, exercise copies, water bottle, tiffin box etc.). Don’t touch or take others’ belongings as it is not suited to a good child.
5. Children must attend the Morning Prayer and participate in all school activities enthusiastically as it is a part of training for the future.
6. All the students are expected to behave well inside and outside of the school and keep high the identity of FAMILIA SCHOOL.
1. Absolute silence to be maintained by each student in the Library.2. Students must not bring their bags and personal belongings, to the School Library.
3. No student is allowed in the Library other than during the library period without the teacher’s permission.
4. Each student will have one issue card which s/he should not borrow from or lend to other students.
5. The library books borrowed must be returned within seven days from the date of issue.
6. In case of necessity, re-issue of a library book may be done for another seven days only. In any case, the book must be returned before seven days from the commencement of a vacation. No books will be issued thereafter.
7. In case of delay in returning the library books a fine of Rs. 2.00 per day per book will be levied.
8. Before borrowing books from the school library the students must check the condition of the books. If the book is found damaged s/he must bring it to the notice of the librarian immediately, otherwise if it is taken by him/her outside the school library, s/he will have to pay fine/current price of the book whichever is applicable.
9. In the event of a library books found to be damaged/lost, the librarian will levy a fine equivalent to the current price of the book.
10. All books deemed by the librarian as reference books are not meant for issue. Encyclopaedias, Dictionaries, Project Work, Question papers of previous years should be considered as reference documents.
11. The librarian has the authority to call back any book at any time, if not returned within the stipulated time, a penalty will be imposed.
1. A written notice of one calendar month is to be given by the parent/guardian to the Principal before the issue of a Transfer Certificate.
2. No Transfer Certificate will be issued to any student until all dues to the School are paid in full.
3. In case of an emergency, the Principal may apply his/her discretionary power to issue the Transfer Certificate to a student within 7 days from the date of such application from the Parent / Guardian concerned. In such a case the Parent / Guardian shall have to pay the subsequent month’s fees, along with all dues, if any.
4. A student may be given a forced Transfer Certificate after a student receives a Third written warning for serious breach of discipline or for gross misconduct as observed by the Management.
5. Three months’ Tuition-Fees and Annual Charges (Session Charges) will be charged if a request for a Transfer Certificate / withdrawal is made at any time within 3 months after reopening of the new Academic Session/after taking admission.
6. The charge for a Transfer Certificate is Rs. 150/- payable at the Fees Office before submitting the application for the Transfer Certificate. The receipt for the same is to be attached to the application.
No half-day or early leave shall normally be granted. If the parents / Guardians feel that their ward is required at home or elsewhere for some purpose, the student should not be sent to School, on such day. Attendance is compulsory on the closing day, and on the reopening day before and after holidays/vacations, barring exceptional circumstances, failing which a fine of Rs.10/- per day may be levied. Parents must understand that since the School provides at least three long vacations in a year, there should be no reason for a student to visit outstation at any other time.
Application for leave, both short and long, should reach the Principal / Vice-Principal, preferably in advance, with a copy to the Class Teacher concerned. All application must contain (1) Name of the student in full, (2) Class, Roll No. and Section, (3) Full Address of the Student and (4) Full signature of the Parents or Guardians. Whenever a student is ill for more than three (3) days, an application from the Parent / Guardian, enclosing the Medical Certificate from the attending Doctor, and a copy of the prescription should be submitted. Submitting a bare Medical Certificate, as is often done, is advised against.
Parents / Guardians aggrieved on any ground are requested to meet the Principal/Vice-Principal/InCharge/Department Head personally by prior appointment instead of airing their grievances in public in front of the School Campus, as this creates confusion and chaos amongst other Parents / Guardians, leading to the development of unhealthy relation between the Parents / Guardians and the School Authorities.
Parents / Guardians should refrain from uttering comments or taking actions that are detrimental to the interest of the School and its students.
Violation of these rules on the part of Parents / Guardians might lead to expulsion of the ward from the School.
On no occasion should a Parent / Guardian try to telephone or meet the members of the School Management, the Principal/ Vice-Principal/In-Charge/Department Head at their residence. In all matters of the School, the Secretary’s decision is final. The Principal/Vice-Principal/InCharge/Department Head will not meet any visitors after the School hours.